Wentworth Nursery Employment Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date / Time *Name *FirstMiddleLastPresent Address *Address Line 1Address Line 2CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodePhone *Cell *Email *EmailConfirm EmailHave you ever worked for Wentworth Nursery? *YesNoIf Yes, When?DetailsAre you at least 16 years of age? *YesNoAre you legally allowed to work in US? *YesNoAre you a licensed driver? *YesNoEMPLOYMENT DESIREDPosition Desired (Please choose one only or indicate preference) *Sales/CashierGreenhouse/Nursery Sales/WorkerDelivery DriverGarden Center Sales PersonGarden Center manager/Assistant ManagerLandscape Crew WorkerLandscape Forman/AssistantLandscape DesignerOffice AdministrationOther Position DetailsWage Expected *Date available to start work? *Specify days available. Check all that apply. *SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayOther DetailsHours per week desiredAny commitments that will conflict with the available hours you have listed? (sports, trips, etc…) Thru the next 90 days.How were you referred to Wenwtorth? *Store signEmployee ReferralCustomer ReferralNewspaper AdSocial MediaOtherOther DetailsPlease list all Wentworth locations you are available to work at? Oakville Garden Center & Nursery - 41170 Oakville Road Mechanicsville, MD 20659Prince Frederick Garden Center - 1700 Solomons Island Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678Are you acquainted with anyone who works for Wentworth? *YesNoIf Yes, Name(s)List of names at WentworthREFERENCESNOTE: Valid references must be persons to whom you are not related.PRESENT OR MOST RECENT EMPLOYERCompany NamePhoneAddressEmployed From Date (month and year)Employed To Date (month and year)SupervisorState job titles and dutiesReason for leavingSECOND MOST RECENT EMPLOYERCompany NamePhoneAddressEmployed From Date (month and year)Employed To Date (month and year)SupervisorState job titles and dutiesReason for leavingTHIRD MOST RECENT EMPLOYERCompany NamePhoneAddressEmployed From Date (month and year)Employed To Date (month and year)SupervisorState job titles and dutiesReason for leavingMay we contact any of the above employers? YesNoList of employers names to contactEDUCATIONHigh SchoolHigh School Name *City *Years Attended *Graduated? *YesNoTrade SchoolTrade School NameCityYears AttendedGraduated?YesNoCollegeCollege/University NameCityYears AttendedGraduated?YesNoGraduate SchoolGraduate School NameCityYears AttendedGraduated?YesNoAdditional job related educational experiences?List any job related activities, hobbies or experiences you wish to share.APPLICANT AGREEMENTI certify the answers given here are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize Wentworth Nursery to make such investigations of my personal, employment, financial, and other related matters as may be necessary for arriving at an employment decision. I hereby release employers, schools, or persons from all liability in responding to inquires in connection with my application. In the event of employment, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interview(s) may result in discharge. I understand also, that I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of the Company. I have read the above Applicant Agreement, and understand and agree to its termsFill in your full name acknowledging you accept our terms of this application *Date of Application *Upload your Resume Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload your current resume for our reviewSubmit2791968715